A Collective Universe

God has, by choice, become an enormous WE. When each of us thinks, we think for all creation, all beings, and all matter – for it is all part of each of us. We are learning how do we not only harm everything else with our selfish thoughts and manifestations generated by our ego-mind consciousness, but our ‘selves’ as well: our even more powerful heart/soul minds’ consciousness. Our personal and collective thoughts have Never been so powerful in how they affect everything else. How they effect the future of Everything.

As the veil continues to thin, the battle between these distinctly different dimensions grows more chaotic.

The good thing is that WE who are O’dm (those of one heart) are so much brighter than the old clinging attachments we have let ourselves be slaves to, that it takes fewer of us to outshine them. As lots of us awaken, which we are, I anticipate a nice tsunami of critical mass loving consciousness. Then we who have done the work that recognizes the worth of compassion and non-judgement will be entirely on That side of the veil. It won’t look different but it will be without chaos and angst. Okay, it will look more beautiful. It is the experience that will be so much more functional and easy. Joyful even.

This can Only work because of its collective purpose and importance.

The other good news is that it’s already here, and being chaotically unappreciated and resisted by the Third Dimension and its minions of ego-minds, many of whom misuse political and economic power. Lies are beginning to be exposed both right and left. I do happen to believe that the ‘right’ is often less right than the left. But that’s only an opinion, since the only real way to be ‘right’ is through equality and kindness.

From that perspective, it has all been quite simply an incredibly complex evolutionary education. The Divine attitude is that ALL experience is valuable. The Divine do NOT judge the ‘sinners’ so to speak, but are less and less patiently awaiting our much assisted awakening. Karma and the Law of Resonance (or Attraction) take care of all the ‘justice’ we need.

This chaos too shall pass, and if Heaven is what I think it is, we multi-billions of points within God’s consciousness will have what WE each infinitely and uniquely need.

Our dedication to awakening does not go unnoticed or unassisted.

Yes; prayer, meditation, random acts of kindness, and letting go of what no longer serves our purpose, do really work. We lose nothing then but grief.


And I am not alone.


The Many Paths of Night


I love the hills and woods at night, and it should come as no surprise that all nights aren’t the same.

Much of it is about the source and level of light.

Being especially tuned into the Fourth Dimensional faerie and nature lights, the amount of overhead and ambient light seems to have a significant effect on that experience.

Full Moonlight: I look forward to this every month, and enjoy the entire second quarter as it rises later and fuller every evening. Once full, I can even make my way in the deep woods without extra illumination. Even on unfamiliar ground, my feet have learned not to trip and cause me to fall. Being on the open mountainside during a full moon is to walk upon a world awash with otherworldly wonder.

Weak Moonlight: Is when I see the most nature light activity, particularly in the woods where streaks and patches of the lunar reflection reach the forest floor.

Overcast: Is when the suburban world is brighter than weak moonlight – the slightly orange reflection of city lights off the cloud cover washing the landscape in something man-made.

Starlight: Good enough to navigate out in the open, and dark enough to render some parts of the woods as … dark as night. These are the only nights that I can see the Andromeda Galaxy with the naked eye. I have learned to locate it in reference to the constellation Cassiopea.

Cell phone light: Used only when necessary, sometimes very necessary, and always blindingly unnatural. It allows for only seeing a focused distortion of the trail immediately ahead, while dulling the retina to more natural vision. Since I write on my phone ‘notes’ app, this leaves me semi-blinded for some time after I shut it off.

Fairy Lights: On rare occasions soft lily pad like patches of light will appear to guide me in the dark woods.

Echolocation: I am neither blind, nor a bat, and have not taught myself how to do this. I find the darkness to have a magical quality all its own, and though I would not choose blindness, I do know the universe is exceptionally rich even when the optic nerve isn’t being put to work.

Certain low levels of light, such as the waxing of the first quarter moon ( the 2nd quarter is full) for me allow the best viewing of 4D nature beings, which present as mostly white light, though there have been a number of orange flashes lately. Flashes, streaks, webworks, and sparkling points of brightness in the deep dusk. Mostly transient, one flash might illuminate the entire view for a split second. Most lights don’t stay put, dashing in and sometimes all about only briefly, then out of sight. Then nothing visible for a while.

Last evening when I arrived at one of my favorite writing trees I was greeted by a concentration of high velocity horizontal pinpoint streaks of white light only several feet in front of my face. This was something new.

I actually ask my sixth chakra (third eye) to allow me to see all that I might when that is my intention. It helps. I have come to make no more of it than briefly opening the shutters onto just another – and the nearest – omnipresent, parallel, dimension.

It is quite possible that boredom is just a state of not being fully alive.


The Joy/Empathy Cycle

Most would agree that these amazing times of humanity’s and Gaia’s ascension are challenging. It is a double edged sword of unprecedented opportunity and difficulty. Those on a spiritual path will be more tuned into the opportunity, and those still trapped in the 3D ego-mind ( those who believe what they think or remember) will be absorbed in the challenge. Understanding, however, that we are all now in the Fourth Dimension does not automatically insulate us from anxiety and suffering. It does give us the extra comfort of knowing this too shall pass.

One of the more palpable aspects of being in 4D (while 5D: Heaven, is here as well) is our increased empathic rate – the rate at which our frequencies of consciousness are effecting one another. It’s off the charts compared to even a few years ago.

SO: If we are full of angst, prejudice, greed, sense of lack, resentment, and anger – any of the symptoms of fear – we share that with, and influence, all the rest of humanity. Plus our conscious and sensitive planet. On the other hand, if we have gained the presence and wisdom to simply observe it all from a standpoint of self love and reverence for the miracle of existing at all, we share that as well. Yes, it is quite a conflict, on a cosmic scale. Truly trusting there is a higher plan makes every day go better.

This should be mostly resolved by the time we actually enter the more than fabled Age of Aquarius. In the meantime we will be living in the current Armageddon, Apocalyptic paradigm.

The Age of Aquarius is more than a 1969 song by The Fifth Dimension, published on the Buddah label. No one, neither astrologers nor astronomers, knows the exact beginning of the Aquarian Age, which is said to last 2160 years. It is so inexact that some believe it began in the 15th C. AD, 2012 AD, or won’t begin for another three or four hundred years. The past (or still present) age is the Age of Pisces.  I prefer to believe, in light of current cosmic signs, that it has either already begun, or will begin no later than 2040. Right now would be nice, so the 2012 idea feels good.

It is ALL about our conscious choices. For the right outcome, it is all about choices of the heart vs. choices of the mind. This is the true and enduring battle of light versus darkness, whether we are ‘religious’ about it or not. While choices of the heart are inherently divine, choices of the mind can originate in a wide range of lower frequencies that are coveted by ego, and often opportunistic dark energies, variously defined as pain bodies and demons. Demonic possession may not be as picturesque as its sounds, but is currently rampant in all walks of life, including most importantly politics. This would refer to our ‘elected’ rulers, as well as the insidious but very real ‘shadow government.’ Thought forms possess an actual life of their own.


Eating a whole apple.

While I consider myself to be pursuing a spiritual path toward awakening, my empathic being continues to face all the challenges of everyone else. I get nervous, I get depressed, and am then uplifted while in meditation, or more commonly out in nature.

Last evening, while sitting on a milky quartz boulder under a Coast Live Oak, I was feeling not sorry for myself, but a little bleak. It occurred to me I wasn’t experiencing much joy lately. So there I sat texting a good friend who shares a love of nature and a desire for spiritual completion, saying that what I am really missing is being in a state of joy.

I was aware that three deer who are familiar with both me, and my apples, were grazing a little ways below me. As I was texting, I noticed one bolt and bound across the dry grassy hill to the right. The other two paid no attention, so I thought that ruled out ‘predator’. Then it came racing back, doing the double stiff legged Bambi bounce. Then back the other way. A second deer started doing the same thing in the opposite direction.

They were playing. They were BEING Joy, and I couldn’t help but notice their presence and timing. The third, and smallest, doe, a nearly grown fawn from last spring, did one little less hectic trot in an uphill loop in my direction to make sure I was paying attention. Kind of like a little kid who races toward you and then away, just for your attention. Then all three disappeared into the trees over the shoulder of the ridge.

I have no question that it is my job to master this gift of Being Joy. And sharing That out into the human consciousness. What greater thing might we do for one another?


Cacti of the Organ Mountains Desert Peaks National Monument in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Land of Enchantment


Fishhook barrel, Ferocactus wislizenii


Rainbow Cactus


Prickly Pear


Engelman Prickly Pear



Fendler’s Hedgehog, Echinocereus fendlerii



An uncommon double pear


Sotol, not a cactus, but a striking feature of the Chihuahuan Desert, Dasylirion wheelerii 


Ocotillo sunset


Foxtail Cactus, Escobaria organensis, unique to the Organ Mountains


Also unique to the Organ Mountains; the Organ Mountain Paintbrush, Castilleja organorum





Keeping cool under my truck.

img_8088Jackie is the name I have given this California Black Tailed Jackrabbit who hangs around my plants on the tennis courts of the Indian Valley Campus of the College of Marin. Doesn’t eat too many, except for the Globe Amaranth – small price to pay for having a friendly bunny in my life. And in the magic Garden. So far I haven’t been able to get any closer than about 4 ft.

“I” and “We”

Much of what I know about this I learned in conversation with trees. Usually an ancient Bay Laurel or Oak, and sometimes Redwoods.

If I pay a particular tree some sort of honor or blessing (which I am increasingly inclined to do), or ask a simple question like “Are you happy here?”, the tree will answer in the plural. “We appreciate it very much. Thank you.” Or some other response prefixed with “We’.

One particular pair of enormous Bays on the back side of Mt. Burdell, which look to share a single canopy of the pungent evergreen myrtle foliage, and undoubtedly intricately and intimately inter-grafted roots, told me this after I had gotten past trying to get them to tell me their name, (something they had no interest in): “Use ‘I’ if it is understood we are all one. We use ‘We’ because we are all connected. We here represent all Bays. All Bays are talking to you.”

Many trees have offered me names. At the old EdenLight Garden there was a Southern Live Oak near my gazebo who professed to be Ygdrassil, the Norse Tree of Life, which had been an Ash. This was the garden’s “hugging tree” and enjoyed by many a visitor who could feel the flow of energy. When I asked the tree why it wasn’t an Ash, it answered, “It’s been a long time since I was a tree.” There was no mention of ‘We”. More than likely it depends on the level of teaching one is prepared for.

I’m pretty sure some of the other trees I’ve encountered out in the woods, like Magda, Mama Madrona, Hari, Elijah, Sharanga, and Eudora were just being nice. Giving me something to connect with until I could process a tree telling me it doesn’t have a name; doesn’t want one. Doesn’t need one.

I spent a lot of time sitting in or beneath several of these at night as the chapters of my 1100 page trilogy, “EdenWold; Tales from the New Earth”, were given to me.

I have found trees to be painfully (just joking) devoid of ego.

As there are exceptions to most commonalities, the above mentioned trees continue to endure my addressing them by the names I am now attached to.

Interestingly, many trees growing in tight pairs, or with double trunks, possess a distinct Yin and Yang essence in the separate trunks. I have met some that switch that polarity whenever they choose, but are still “We”. It seems that they don’t so much identify with this duality as to simply “be” it.

We may choose to use the “I” in the typical separate single sense, which is an entirely 3D concept or construction, or “I” as in “I Am”, with the divine collective awareness of “We”. We have always had that choice (and so have I), though it is good we still have trees to remind us.

While in some higher realms this is regarded as gauche, nearly eight billion humans, on the other hand, would currently be lost without our entire identity data base. The NSA would agree entirely.


The ‘Indian Tree’ in Novato, a 9′ diameter Redwood sitting atop a ridge at about 1500′