Other Dimensional Expressions


P1340942P1380557P1340913P1410421P1390645P1350360P1410095P1400343P1360629All of these photos are unmodified digital images of orbs, ectoplasm, and wavelengths of conscious light I’m quite sure I don’t understand at all. Some of the beings we think of as aliens live within some of these paradigms that are now bleeding through more freely than ever before. All were taken over Edenlight’s gazebo, where they are used to finding me.

It is our destiny to one day travel as freely inter dimensionally as any of these light/ life forms.

Ectoplasm of the Day:

P1350578 (1)P1350481P1350246P1320770This aggregation of consciousness is full of purple, green, and white; Lots of Divine Love. I suspect the French Impressionist Seurat might enjoy this display of cosmic Pointilism. All of this points to an infinite elastic soup of stunning Possibility which we are generally blind to our immersion in. It comes down to: How does our true consciousness choose to express?  And how does it choose to relate to everything else? All 4 pictures were taken over the gazebo roof in January and February.



Some rather lovely ectoplasm in the night sky of the gazebo. I have at least 30,000 photos of such other-dimensional light manifestation, many full of angels, dolphins, and countless faces of diverse forms of consciousness not bound by a body, but incredibly supportive of humanity’s efforts to rise. Ganesh has appeared 4 times in the past month. (I’m saving those photos for my gestating book: Edenlight: The Art and the Apparitions.)


Sometimes holding the camera still doesn’t work as well.

An Aztec mystic noted that death is the awakening from the dream of life.

For many who have bought the organized lies about death, this is true, as all reality is belief based. It fits the old paradigm. It IS the old paradigm.

I say:  Make this Dream of Life a Waking Dream: Awakening can’t happen after death.

Awaken  in life,  and the afterlife is thus altered; enhanced. Make that choice while in body, and all future choices shall be your own rather than the treadmill of no choice karma, which most beings here in this heavy dimension are unwittingly subject to.

Those who release the heavy illusion of self while still in a physical body, have just done all of their other 5 bodies a huge favor. With that sticky veil of “self” peeled away, we don’t just enter a Maxfield Parrish Elysium, but an infinitely rich multi-verse of possibilities far beyond the horizon of what our 3D minds in a 3D world can imagine. As rich and full of content as this box may be, it is still a tiny little closed box.  Which is a rather accurate metaphor for a closed heart.

OK. The mystic in all of us knows it’s coming. No one goes to hell, (except for right here; the only place hell fits in), and the only way we can get out of the box is in This Moment. In  this Life.   Now.

The approximately 5% of our DNA we know about is only responsible for our biology and 3D reality, the tip of our energetic iceberg.

The other 95% is our Divinity.   Believe it.

The Zero Point Inside


Nice rainbow ectoplasm, with too many tiny points of consciousness to count.There is source consciousness in Everything.

Incoming.     Outgoing.     We meet in the middle.       It is who we are.

The Sun shines down.       The Earth shines up.            We meet in the middle.    It is who we Are.

God above.   God below.    God within.                             It is who we Are.

All else    Are fragments    of Illusion.

Inviting and Allowing Spirit to walk within us              Is our oldest skill,    mostly forgotten    Through disuse                   And obstructive agendas:    All our own creation.

When we do this                 Everything changes              And miracles are commonplace                                          And we realize                     They weren’t miracles at all.

We are Miracles.                 Remembering this is good. What we resist         Can only resist us.

There is no other Law       At this Time.



These two photos were taken seconds apart at dusk. The first was taken without flash – the second,  with. The moon is lower right. Ah, the things the 3D eye doesn’t see. There is no smoke .I see at least a dozen tiny orbs..

Love of Spirit is always rewarded.     Living with Spirit requires no reward.

It IS the reward.

Trust that it always dwells within,    awaiting our notice.

Jesus pointed that out rather poignantly.

It is what he still wants us to know.

It is the gift which replaces All the old laws of limitation.


Some Common Challenges to Awakening



Ectoplasm with and without smoke. Sometimes it is difficult to believe what we can see. More challenging is to recognize the profound truths “hidden’ within all things.The only thing creating the “hidden’ effect is a misguided sense of self.

Some of the challenges:

EGO:  We can blame ego all day long, but we need our ego at least as a primitive defense mechanism so we don’t step in front of buses. The only problem with ego is when we allow it to control our mental and emotional bodies, which in turn places a barrier between our etheric and physical selves. The divinity which created and always remains within our higher selves, or soul bodies, is then left to observe and await a window of opening within the earthly body: a dilating of the heart consciousness.

MEDIA: Those glued to mass media are attending the brainwashing school of the military-industrial complex that Dwight Eisenhower warned us about. The EMF’s from screens and monitors inhibit one’s ability to be “psychic”. Some are enrolled nearly full time. Since all reality is belief based, getting sucked into the drama is not going to help anyone at all, even under the guise of ” staying informed.”These students are all ratings statistics. The stage direction out there, while compelling, also removes our natural capacity for hope, and our personal ability to divinely manifest. Maybe this is what the divine circus is all about.

SOME RELIGIOUS DOCTRINES: the most damaging of these is the notion that God is some form of harsh judge. Judgement would be one of the very last things coming from God, as it is diametrically opposed to divine purpose. God is love , allowance, and everything that makes everything possible. Nothing is destroyed. The Law of Attraction, which I’m sure is  a perfect part in the Divine Plan in no way discriminates. Mess up your life in any selfish way, and you get to return again and again to repeat essentially the same lesson until you get it. While the freedom within the concurrent frequencies of Heaven are a fact, hell is a creative invention of the old church. Hell does, however, exist more solidly here on Earth more than anywhere else for those who are truly suffering. According the Archangel  Gabriel,  Adolph Hitler promised to be good, and came back as a holy man: Osama bin Laden. I learned this in Neale Donald Walsch’s 1995 Conversations With God.  Burning in hell forever is wonderful disinformation. Fortunately there are many individual churches which strive to teach and practice only the truth of divine love and compassion.

OUR SOCIALIZATION: The best meaning family and friends can easily influence , or worse, discourage our discovering the power of an open heart. BE VERY CAREFUL WHO YOU SHARE YOUR DEEPEST DREAMS WITH. In this world it may take great bravery to separate oneself from the non-supportive status quo, and do it graciously. All thoughts are somewhat contagious. according to Leonard Orr, the human race is addicted to sickness and death. Both make our stories so darned personal,, especially when we strongly identify with our inabilities. There truly exist reclusive yogis in the Himalayas who are hundreds of years old, and one of their strict  practices is to never come within 50 feet of a human believing in death, even though our personal energy field only projects out about 13 feet in all directions. Don’t try too hard to imagine the energy of a room full of bipolar people tied to chairs. The world is much like that emotionally.

We do have a powerful influence on one another; as good a reason as any why a mass awakening is entirely possible. It doesn’t matter if the 100th monkey research was entirely legitimate or not. The existence of the concept remains.


One of the hundreds of repurposed plant identification signs placed throughout the garden. Sometimes I rediscover just the right one at the right time, while pruning, weeding, or simply musing within Eden, which is a state of mind.



Granular and wispy ectoplasm, with a few orbs.


A nice melange of ectoplasm and orbs. I don’t read any specific message here; only that the universe is happy that someone is paying attention. Happiness ensues. The bluish light is actual smoke.

The particles of light which are digitally captured by my Panasonic Lumix camera are still somewhat of a mystery. These things all of my photos of apparitions and interesting energetic forms have in common: I take them at night with the flash. Any odd setting or zoom doesn’t work. My I- phone with flash won’t work. I get blurry stuff not worth looking at. Having a bit of smoke in the air helps, but the images do not reflect the smoke patterns my eye sees.  As I’ve said elsewhere, the most amazing photos were taken in a clear night sky. The camera has occasionally turned my breath into something more distinctive.  Some nights  the results are insipid and not interesting. Those photos are deleted.

The following and above  photos are not necessarily the most fascinating, but are representational of what I get on most nights, except in the rain…which is bad for the camera.


This is a sky full of orbs.  That is a whopping bunch of consciousness.

More About the Photos


Fetus of the new universe. All dots of light are individual orbs; not stars in the background.


What I thought was an orb ( by the chimney) is just a lens flare. I assume it to be some kind of statement about the sky full of disgusting chemtrails. This is not at Edenlight.

I was already in love with photographing the natural world when I got my first orb photos on a night hike on the trails above Indian Valley. Reviewing half a dozen shots I had taken of an especially fetching live oak branch, I nearly deleted the ones with pesky spots on them. Curious, I enlarged the pictures in the viewer to find the spots were all orderly little donuts of light with varying colors and details. Since that night I doubt that I have fewer than 50 thousand digital photographs of orbs and different forms of ectoplasm.

I have orbs with smiley faces, mandarin characters, bites taken out , with craters, and in every imaginable color. There is rarely just one orb, and occasionally a blizzard of them so thick that’s all there is. Several times they have all been pink, though pink orbs are more commonly associated with swimming underwater, especially with dolphins. (Underwater camera required). ,After several years of orbs I began receiving pictures of recognizable things or beings, sometimes in full color. Much more common, and often but not always taken in the presence of wood smoke, are the energy apparitions which don’t quite match any known life form, but are fascinatingly beautiful. They may appear as blue or white light, and sometimes in a granular multi – colored ectoplasm, and others as smooth as though air – brushed.

While I have friends who take photos of amazing apparitions in daylight, with the exception of a few bright orbs, my pictures are all night shots, generally aiming for as much open sky as the growing mini forest of Edenlight allows.


Your guess is as good as mine. jan.2017, in the sky over the gazebo.


A feline E. T.?